Dear Millennial Caregivers, we need Wills TOO!
When I was just a mere millennial, I didn't see the need for things like life insurance or a Will of my own, at least not yet. I was not alone with the latter sentiment. 78% of millennials DO NOT have a WILL. Now that I am a millennial caregiver my thoughts about wills have changed. Now I think about things like who will care for my aging parents if I die before them, should I get life insurance, how do I get life insurance and what assets can I leave behind to benefit my parents.
78% of millennials DO NOT have a WILL
Give a round of applause for Dave Hanley who realized the antiquated world of financial and legal processes and paperwork needed a drastic refresh by way of modern technology. Thanks to Dave we now have an App for that 😃 THE TOMORROW APP!
Tomorrow APP not only makes creating a free will and trust easy it also made creating this post super easy :) I ripped the below content from their site. No shame in this caregivers game. I value any work smarter vs. work harder moment I can get. Oh, and if you prefer to watch more Tomorrow APP videos vs. reading about it, you can do so here.
About the Tomorrow App
The Tomorrow app is the “first trust fund for everyone,” right in their pockets. It lets people create a FREE will and FREE trust (also known as a revocable living trust or trust fund) – in minutes, not months.
Users can also purchase the optimal amount of affordable term life insurance within the app, or use an existing policy, and allocate future payouts to fund their trust.
The uniquely social experience also makes it easy for users to invite family and friends to serve important future roles, encouraging transparent dialog about hopes and expectations.
Tomorrow guides users through these decisions and makes them easy to change anytime, with a click of their phones. It combines many of the tools used by the wealthy and makes them accessible and affordable for everyday Americans.
If you've read enough and just want to get the damn app already click here. Need more details keep reading 😃
Family & Roles:
Users are first asked to identify family members who depend on them, and on whom they can depend to carry out their wishes.
Users can include spouses, domestic partners, children, parents, siblings, relatives, and close friends, who might receive an inheritance or special gift someday.
Trusted individuals are then invited to vital roles like guardian, executor, and trustee, and sent information explaining the role’s responsibilities.
The app uses the phone’s existing contacts to make it all easy, and users can change family, friends, and respective roles at any time – with a click of the phone.
Assets & Belongings:
Tomorrow has users list their major assets, personal belongings, and major debts, in order to organize their own will and trust.
Snap Pictures of Personal Belongings: Listing assets is as easy as a click in the app. Users take pictures of their personal belongings, and assign which family members or friends will receive specific items after the user passes away, as part of their trust. Users can also send notifications to family and friends letting them know of their intentions.
This section of the app enables users to purchase affordable, term life insurance to help users fund their trust someday, and help their family members cover bills, pay off a mortgage, or provide for children’s future college expenses.
Tomorrow helps calculate the right amount of coverage users need based on information already provided in the app.
Twenty-year policies start at about $13-$14 per month for a $250,000 payout*.
Tomorrow is licensed to offer life insurance in all 50 states from A-rated insurance companies, including Protective Life Insurance Company, Prudential Financial, American International Group (AIG), Mutual of Omaha, and others.
Will & Trust:
Tomorrow turns important life decisions into legit legal documents, sent as a custom PDF file for users to sign, with instructions on how to make them legally binding.
Beyond a will, users are asked to decide how they want to distribute financial assets placed in their very own trust – which, contrary to popular opinion, is not just for the rich.
Unlike a will, trusts are not public documents. They keep belongings and financial assets private, can be used to spread out payments for children’s future expenses (i.e., college, weddings, etc.), reduce the hassle and cost of probate court for loved ones, protect assets while alive but incapacitated, and protect against variances in state laws when people move.
Tomorrow’s wills and trusts are offered and legally compliant in every state except Alaska, Louisiana, and North Carolina.
These sophisticated, state-specific docs are versatile enough to work for those on a tight budget to millionaires; single or married; blended or LGBTQ families; and more.
Best of all, they can be changed and updated anytime, at no cost, unlike conventional methods which require costly lawyer visits.
What more can a millennial caregiver ask for? Download the Tomorrow App here.
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